A wise person once said, “It’s what you learn after you know it all that counts.” In this message, Pastor Jerry Godsey echoes this sentiment with Peter’s reminder to us to remember some important things.
A wise person once said, “It’s what you learn after you know it all that counts.” In this message, Pastor Jerry Godsey echoes this sentiment with Peter’s reminder to us to remember some important things.
The Bible is full of exhortations for us to praise God. In this message from Pastor Jeremiah Vik, he explains that following these encouragements to praise God can also make us more thankful.
God has given us everything we need for life. In this message, Pastor Jerry Godsey tells us it is all available to us as we get to know Jesus.
Sometimes we get a gift we really don’t want and give a shrug and mumble, “Thanks.” In this message, Pastor Chris jones tells us that our thanks to God needs to be better than just a shrugged thanks.
At the close of 1 Peter we find out that we are to be humble so God will exalt us. In this message, Pastor Jerry Godsey takes a look at what that means and how we do it.
We are all called to lead, in our homes, our churches, our communities. In this message, Pastor Jerry Godsey looks at what makes a great leader and sends out a call for us to become godly leaders. https://remnantchurchiv.com/sunday_messages/StandFirm/SF_10_WordsForLeaders.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | Download
For Christians Thanksgiving should be an every day occurrence, not just something we celebrate once a year. In this message, Pastor Jerry Godsey gives us reasons we really should live in a spirit of thanksgiving, and why we sometimes don’t.
If you ever feel like your life is “stuck” there is a way you can gain momentum. In this message by Pastor Vince Brooke, he explains that the key to getting going ahead is thanks.
According to 1 Peter we shouldn’t be shocked when we go through trials, it comes with the territory! In this message Pastor Jerry Godsey takes a look at suffering, and whether or not it is a good thing for us.
Gratitude should lead us to DO things, not just say things. In this message by Pastor Jeremiah Vik, he goes through the steps that lead us to gratitude and where those steps should lead.
There is a choice we all must make. Do we live for ourselves or live for Christ. In this message, Pastor Jerry Godsey talks about the benefits of making the right choice.
When Satan came to tempt Jesus, Jesus kept telling Satan one thing, “It is written.” In this message, Pastor Chris Jones takes a look at the power of this phrase and how we can use it in our lives. https://remnantchurchiv.com/sunday_messages/UpsideDown/UD_15_ItIsWritten.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | Download
Jesus laid out some incredible challenges for us to accept. In this message, Pastor Vince Brooke continues his look at the toughest challenge Jesus put out for us.
How do we overcome fear of the things that can happen? In this message Pastor Jerry Godsey teaches a lesson on overcoming fear by our faith in God.
Wait, Jesus wants me to bless who? My enemies? In this message Pastor Jerry Godsey takes a look at blessing those who have hurt us, and why it is good for us and them.
Jesus came so we could live the good life. In this message Pastor Jerry Godsey takes a look at what Peter said is the good life and it’s benefits.
Jesus gave us a list of beatitudes in the Sermon On The Mount. In this message Pastor Chris Jones goes through the attitudes that Christians should “be.”
We would all like a happy home. In this message, Pastor Jerry Godsey reveals God’s way to have harmony in our homes.
Everybody suffers, it is part of the human condition. So what happens to Christians when they suffer? In this message, Pastor Jerry Godsey tackles a subject most of us want to avoid: how to endure suffering.
The parable of the Prodigal Son has a lot of places where Jesus turned upside down the thoughts of the people who listened. In this message, Pastor Jerry Godsey tells us that this parable still turns our thoughts upside down!