We often think of stealing as simply taking someone’s property. In this message, Pastor Jerry Godsey says there is more to stealing than just that, and we need to stop it!
We often think of stealing as simply taking someone’s property. In this message, Pastor Jerry Godsey says there is more to stealing than just that, and we need to stop it!
Go’s has always had a remnant, a people who are sold out to him, no matter what. In this message, Pastor Vince Brooke looks at the spirit of God’s remnant, and how we can become part of it. https://remnantchurchiv.com/sunday_messages/Malachi/TheSpiritOfARemnant.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | Download
One of the most damaging sins we can commit is adultery. In this message, Pastor Jerry Godsey examines adultery, the harm it causes, and how to prevent it!
Our feelings and emotions change all the time. If we are ruled by them, we are in trouble. In this message, Pastor Jerry Godsey shows the fixed point we should all set our course by, the unchanging God.
“Do not murder.” that’s a pretty easy commandment not to break, Or is it? In this message, Pastor Jerry Godsey digs into the fact that there might be more than meets the eye here.
We are commanded to honor our father and mother, but what does that mean? In this message, Pastor Jerry Godsey takes a deep into the fifth commandment and see how it applies to kids and their parents.
Whenever we compare ourselves to others we are in trouble. In this message, Pastor Chris Jones talks about the dangers of comparison, and why God frowns on it.
We all need a rest. In fact, God commands it. But what does it mean t honor the Sabbath? in this message, pastor Jerry Godsey dives into the commandment, not suggestion, for a day of rest, and how to do it.
We would never admit that we are tired of God, but many of us live like it. We would never openly defy God, yet our behavior is as grievous. In this message, Pastor Jerry Godsey talks about how we should revere God and keep him holy in our lives.
Malachi called out the priests of his day. What would he think about some of the preachers of today? In this message, Pastor Jeremiah Vik takes a good hard look at what happens when pastors go bad.
The Bible is very specific about the God we serve. Who is your God? In this message, Pastor Jerry Godsey takes a look at God’s requirement not to have any other gods but Him. https://remnantchurchiv.com/sunday_messages/Big10/B10_02_NoOtherGods.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | Download
When God sent Malachi to set the Israelites straight, he had some pretty rough conversations with them. In this message, Pastor Vince Brooke dives into the first question they had to ask, “Is my sacrifice acceptable?”
The world will tell you there are many roads to get to heaven. Is that true? not according to God’s Word. In this message, Pastor Jerry Godsey kicks off Remnant’s Big 10 series and examines why Christ is the only way to heaven.
Israel was lost and floundering. God sent His messenger, Malachi to bring them around. Would they listen, or were they too entrenched in their self pity? Join Remnant as Pastor Jerry Godsey shows how God has loved us all along.
Throughout the pandemic people have been referred to as “resilient.” What does that mean, and what does it mean for Christians. In this message, Pastor Jerry Godsey looks at how God can give us the resilience to weather the storms of life.
It’s and old golf adage: it doesn’t matter how pretty your drive is, if you can’t putt, you can’t win. Too many people are obsessed with good images, but poor life content. In this message, Pastor Jerry Godsey shows you God’s way to get God’s life.
You heard it all growing up, “Do to others want you want them to do to you.” In this message, Pastor Jerry Godsey takes a deep dive into the Golden Rule and explains its deep meaning for Christians.
Too often we pray “Chicken McNugget” prayers and think we have done our job. In this message, Pastor Jerry Godsey reveals what Jesus taught us about requests; Ask Consistently, Seek Persistently , and Knock Forcefully.
We worry about money, we worry about health, we worry about… stuff. We are quick to justify our worry, too. In this message, pastor Jerry Godsey gives us tools to overcome worry, and yes, it IS possible!
Jesus told us to let our good deeds shine before men, but he also told us not to flaunt our spiritual exercises of prayer, giving and fasting. While it seems to be a contradiction, in this message Pastor Jerry Godsey explains why it isn’t, and how to make sure we are doing the important things in our spiritual lives.