Remnant’s series, “Satisfaction.” For more information on Remnant, or more sermon audio, go to
Remnant’s series, “Satisfaction.” For more information on Remnant, or more sermon audio, go to
A study from Remnant Church, recorded on the road with Pastor Jerry Godsey. Today, Pastor Jerry continues Remnant’s series, “Satisfaction.” For more information on Remnant, or more sermon audio, go to
study from Remnant Church, recorded on the road with Pastor Jerry Godsey. Today, Pastor Jerry kicks off Remnant’s series, “Elements.” For more information on Remnant, or more sermon audio, go to
On April 1, 2007 a couple of guys who didn’t really know each other that well started a brand new church. Somehow the first message was preached by Pastor Jerry Godsey. On Jerry’s last Sunday at Remnant he went deep in the archives and pulled out the notes from the first message ever preached at Remnant, Fly X Counter Zip.
At the close of 1 Peter we find out that we are to be humble so God will exalt us. In this message, Pastor Jerry Godsey takes a look at what that means and how we do it.
For Christians Thanksgiving should be an every day occurrence, not just something we celebrate once a year. In this message, Pastor Jerry Godsey gives us reasons we really should live in a spirit of thanksgiving, and why we sometimes don’t.
The final commandment sums up a lot of the other commandments It addresses the discontent that can drive us to sin. In this message, Pastor Jerry Godsey addresses our discontent, and how to turn it around. Play in new window | Download
What’s wrong with a little white lie or exaggeration every now and then? In this message, Pastor Jerry Godsey takes a look at the commandment not to lie, and examines some of the consequences of breaking it. Play in new window | Download
God wants to do so much more with our lives than just fix us. In this message Pastor Vince shows us how as we enter into process with God, He not only makes us beautiful, but also makes us useable for His Kingdom purposes.
We all have a breaking point. When we reach it, we may be tempted to give up. In this message Pastor Jerry Godsey reveals the reasons God gives us to hold through the dark night.
There are times when our cracks really show up big time, and we wonder if we will ever be able to achieve the life that God tells us we’re supposed to have. Pastor Vince explains how every Christian will face a season of discouragement that stems from an inability to overcome sin in their lives.
Mustard seeds are small, but great trees come from them. In this message from Pastor Jerry Godsey, we take a look at how much a little dab of faith can do!
Does what comes out of our mouths reveal anything about our spirituality? In this message, Pastor Chris Jones says it absolutely does!
It is easy to call yourself a Christian, but what does that mean? Do we really take Jesus seriously? In this message, Pastor Jerry Godsey takes a look at what taking Jesus seriously means in our lives, and in the lives of those around us.
We have been given an amazing superpower: the ability to pray. And yet, we often let that power lay dormant in our lives. In this message, Pastor Jerry Godsey wraps up the series on the Book of James and looks at what kinds of prayers we can pray, and how to be more consistent.
What do you do when you feel the weight of the world on your shoulders? It is easy to do the wrong thing, but God wants better from us. In this message, pastor Jerry Godsey takes a deep dive into how we should act when things are going wrong, and how God will help us do what is right.
The Book of James has some pretty dire things to say to the rich, but if you’re not Bill Gates rich, you’re not off the hook. In this message by Pastor Jerry Godsey, he looks at what James has to say to the rich and the poor.
“Tomorrow I am going to do this and that…” It is fine to plan, but our planning is worthless if we don’t include God. In this message, Pastor Jerry Godsey takes a look at how we should plan, and how to find God’s will in our planning.
Whoever said that following Jesus was for the weak doesn’t understand what it means to follow Jesus! In this message, Pastor Vince Brooke explains what it means to hang tough in your faith, and how to do it.
There is a war being waged in our hearts. The battle between our desires and godliness can seem unwinnable at times. In this message, Pastor Jerry Godsey reveals the step James gives us to make sure we end the war.