We are commanded to honor our father and mother, but what does that mean? In this message, Pastor Jerry Godsey takes a deep into the fifth commandment and see how it applies to kids and their parents.
We are commanded to honor our father and mother, but what does that mean? In this message, Pastor Jerry Godsey takes a deep into the fifth commandment and see how it applies to kids and their parents.
We all need a rest. In fact, God commands it. But what does it mean t honor the Sabbath? in this message, pastor Jerry Godsey dives into the commandment, not suggestion, for a day of rest, and how to do it.
Our name can say a lot about us. The way we treat the names of others shows a lot about how we feel about them. In this message, Pastor Jerry Godsey dives into the third commandment, and why showing reverence for God’s name makes such a difference.
The Bible is very specific about the God we serve. Who is your God? In this message, Pastor Jerry Godsey takes a look at God’s requirement not to have any other gods but Him. https://remnantchurchiv.com/sunday_messages/Big10/B10_02_NoOtherGods.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | Download
When God sent Malachi to set the Israelites straight, he had some pretty rough conversations with them. In this message, Pastor Vince Brooke dives into the first question they had to ask, “Is my sacrifice acceptable?”
The world will tell you there are many roads to get to heaven. Is that true? not according to God’s Word. In this message, Pastor Jerry Godsey kicks off Remnant’s Big 10 series and examines why Christ is the only way to heaven.
Israel was lost and floundering. God sent His messenger, Malachi to bring them around. Would they listen, or were they too entrenched in their self pity? Join Remnant as Pastor Jerry Godsey shows how God has loved us all along.
God wants to do something beautiful in your life, but He cannot work in you until you admit your life’s a mess. In this message Pastor Jeremiah talks about how you can allow God to transform your weaknesses and failures into something beautiful and useful for His purposes.
We are fragile. Our lives are easily influenced and sometimes it is hard to discern what is the right choice. In this message Pastor Chris talks about the importance of trusting God and leaning into Him when it comes to the advice we listen to.
God wants to do so much more with our lives than just fix us. In this message Pastor Vince shows us how as we enter into process with God, He not only makes us beautiful, but also makes us useable for His Kingdom purposes.
We all have a breaking point. When we reach it, we may be tempted to give up. In this message Pastor Jerry Godsey reveals the reasons God gives us to hold through the dark night.
We all have pressure. For some of us, the pressure is starting to cause cracks in our lives, in our relationships with others, and even with God. In this message Pastor Jeremiah Vik takes a look at pressure, and how to overcome it on our lives.
Being broken is a vital part of being a Christian. In this message, Pastor Jerry Godsey explains what it means to be broken, and why it is our first step to following Christ.
Being broken is a vital part of being a Christian. In this message, Pastor Jerry Godsey explains what it means to be broken, and why it is our first step to following Christ.
Have you ever considered that your suffering is for your own good? Or maybe for the good of others? In this message, Pastor Jeremiah Vik looks at suffering and how God wants to use it in our lives, if we will let Him.
We all deal with temptation. Some of us deal with it better than others. In this message, pastor Jerry Godsey gives us three tools to defeat sin in our lives, no matter how long we have struggled with it.
The bad news is that we are broken. The good news is that our brokenness gives God a chance to remold us. In this message, Pastor Chris Jones talks about being transformed, and what it means in our lives.
God has a purpose for our lives. It is an incredible purpose for us, but it includes a process. How can we work with God, not against him, to accomplish all he wants for us? In this message, Pastor Vince Brooke lays out how to embrace God’s purposes, and his process.
The world has a distorted view of happiness, a happiness that is empty and fleeting. In this message, Pastor Jerry Godsey reveals the elements of true happiness. Happiness that comes from God is lasting, and impacts others for good.
Mustard seeds are small, but great trees come from them. In this message from Pastor Jerry Godsey, we take a look at how much a little dab of faith can do!