A study from Remnant Church, recorded on the road with Pastor Jerry Godsey. Today, Pastor Jerry concludes Remnant’s series, “Satisfaction.” For more information on Remnant, or more sermon audio, go to www.remnantchurchiv.com.
A study from Remnant Church, recorded on the road with Pastor Jerry Godsey. Today, Pastor Jerry concludes Remnant’s series, “Satisfaction.” For more information on Remnant, or more sermon audio, go to www.remnantchurchiv.com.
A study from Remnant Church, recorded on the road with Pastor Jerry Godsey. Today, Pastor Jerry continues Remnant’s series, “Satisfaction.” For more information on Remnant, or more sermon audio, go to www.remnantchurchiv.com.
Remnant’s series, “Satisfaction.” For more information on Remnant, or more sermon audio, go to www.remnantchurchiv.com.
A Bible study from Remnant Church in El Centro, CA. Today, Pastor Jerry Godsey continues our series, #Satisfaction, as together we explore how to find the satisfaction that Jesus promised us. For more information on Remnant, or for more media, go to www.remnantchurchiv.com. (CCLI Streaming License CSPL # 160408 permission to digitally transmit, retransmit, distribute…
A Bible study from Remnant Church in El Centro, CA. Today, Pastor Jerry Godsey continues our series, #Satisfaction, as together we explore how to find the satisfaction that Jesus promised us. For more information on Remnant, or for more media, go to www.remnantchurchiv.com.
A Bible study from Remnant Church in El Centro, CA. Today, Pastor Jerry Godsey continues our series, #Satisfaction, as together we explore how to find the satisfaction that Jesus promised us. For more information on Remnant, or for more media, go to www.remnantchurchiv.com.
study from Remnant Church, recorded on the road with Pastor Jerry Godsey. Today, Pastor Jerry kicks off Remnant’s series, “Elements.” For more information on Remnant, or more sermon audio, go to www.remnantchurchiv.com.
According to 1 Peter we shouldn’t be shocked when we go through trials, it comes with the territory! In this message Pastor Jerry Godsey takes a look at suffering, and whether or not it is a good thing for us.
Gratitude should lead us to DO things, not just say things. In this message by Pastor Jeremiah Vik, he goes through the steps that lead us to gratitude and where those steps should lead.
How do we overcome fear of the things that can happen? In this message Pastor Jerry Godsey teaches a lesson on overcoming fear by our faith in God.
If you are a Christian, you have an unfair advantage over others when tough times come your way. In this message, Pastor Jerry Godsey digs into why this is, and how to let it work in your life.
The morning service from Remnant Church in El Centro, CA. Today, Vince Brooke continues Remnant’s series, “Upside Down.” For more information on Remnant, or more media, go to www.remnantchurchiv.com. https://remnantchurchiv.com/sunday_messages/UpsideDown/UD_07_NothingToBoastAbout.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | Download
Our name can say a lot about us. The way we treat the names of others shows a lot about how we feel about them. In this message, Pastor Jerry Godsey dives into the third commandment, and why showing reverence for God’s name makes such a difference.
The Bible is very specific about the God we serve. Who is your God? In this message, Pastor Jerry Godsey takes a look at God’s requirement not to have any other gods but Him. https://remnantchurchiv.com/sunday_messages/Big10/B10_02_NoOtherGods.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | Download
When God sent Malachi to set the Israelites straight, he had some pretty rough conversations with them. In this message, Pastor Vince Brooke dives into the first question they had to ask, “Is my sacrifice acceptable?”
The world will tell you there are many roads to get to heaven. Is that true? not according to God’s Word. In this message, Pastor Jerry Godsey kicks off Remnant’s Big 10 series and examines why Christ is the only way to heaven.
Israel was lost and floundering. God sent His messenger, Malachi to bring them around. Would they listen, or were they too entrenched in their self pity? Join Remnant as Pastor Jerry Godsey shows how God has loved us all along.
Throughout the pandemic people have been referred to as “resilient.” What does that mean, and what does it mean for Christians. In this message, Pastor Jerry Godsey looks at how God can give us the resilience to weather the storms of life.
God wants to do something beautiful in your life, but He cannot work in you until you admit your life’s a mess. In this message Pastor Jeremiah talks about how you can allow God to transform your weaknesses and failures into something beautiful and useful for His purposes.
You heard it all growing up, “Do to others want you want them to do to you.” In this message, Pastor Jerry Godsey takes a deep dive into the Golden Rule and explains its deep meaning for Christians.